Jun 16, 2008

today was interesting. out of nowhere i bumped into desmond. HAHAHAHAHAHA. it looked like this.

i was walking along with my friend... walking around. suddenly i see this guy who looks oddly familiar... he was staring at me with this agape face... hahaha. finally i realised it really was him. (cos i thought i spotted him a few times before... false alarms)

i walked past, kinda shouted "hihi!! didnt expect to see you here!" hahahaha. in 3 years this is the first time we've really bumped into each other... guess it was kinda odd that we did.

we spent some time smsing (catching up).. joked around a little... kinda said we'll meet to catch up some time.

he's changed quite a bit... more... mature i think. he said i grew taller. im insisting he shrunk. BWAHAHHAHAHAHA!

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