Dec 3, 2007

Suddenly one by one, each piece is slowly falling into place. Each piece, each detail, is slowly becoming clearer, becoming a whole. I’m not hiding behind and hope it happens anymore: I will make sure it happens, even if I have to do it with my own hands.

I will sit there, I will watch you suffer, and I will laugh. Because I’ve been waiting. Phase 1 is complete. Phase 2 is about to begin. Soon, each day and each time, I will tear you apart.

That’s it. That’s my girl. Slowly, we are becoming one.

One day, one day you will see, you will understand. That day, is the day I let it all go. That day, I will be able to look at you without hatred, and look at you as you collapse to the ground. That will be the day, the day you know the truth. The day you find out the truth.

That’s my girl. That’s the girl I thought I knew, the girl I thought was lost. She’s back.

What I planned, and what’s happening, is not going the way I want it to go.

It’s better.

Each moment I’m getting happier, because of the things that I can’t control, but yet they’re getting better and better.

They say karma is working my way. But I’m using it for the wrong reason. So be it. Like I told a few people: certain sacrifices are worth making: certain aren’t. I will not sacrifice everything for my revenge. I will only sacrifice myself. The only two that are going down is me, and my victim. No one else. No one deserves to suffer any more than they already have to.

Its stupid: I’m sitting behind my desk. I’m already off work for a while, and yet I’m sitting here typing this. And the worst part is, I’m so close to tears. I’m so close to my goal, and yet I’m crying because I know what I intend to sacrifice. And although I feel its worth it, I’m sorry for pulling so many people into it with me…

All you need is me. I’ll get you through it. I’ll be your strength. I’ll be your power. I’ll be your determination. Greatness lies not in being strong, but the right use of strength. What you’re doing, you know deep down is right to you, isn’t it?

It feels right. And even if its wrong, I still have to do it. it’s a part of me that I won’t be able to let go until I can really let it go.

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