Jan 6, 2009

okok IM BLOGGING! some stuff happened to me recently. i shant go into details but its really frustrating.

ok on 2nd thoughts i will go into detail.

ive been working for about 2 weeks, see. its quite hectic cos i have to write a lot of articles. especially since the editor himself isnt around, im rushing to write most of the februrary issue. and its quite a lot. and because im so engrossed in writing, i dont notice my phone. now is that unnatural? no.

but my parents tend to sms me, and upon not replying, they spam sms. example: my mum smsed me 5 times, the EXACT same message. and my dad msges me like this.

1. coming home for dinner?
2. coming home for dinner? (2nd sms)

and so on. it really pisses me off. like seriously. when im at home and not working they ask me to go out more, to spend more time on related things. now that im working they're complaining low pay, complaining that i dont reply sms. and recently ive been going out more often. yes i admit ive been coming home later den usual. but since im working and have no time to go out, isnt it at least justified that i stay out later when i can? apparently NOT.


what got me really pissed off was a combination of all these things. im trying to be independent, to survive on my own, but they just wont let me. strangely enough i dont feel trapped, i dont feel like im stuck. maybe its meant to be this way. this tangle. or maybe my rebellious stage came late in my life.

i dont know.

im doing everything i can to make them happy, but they keep changing their minds. and they decide to pick on little things. like what i wear to work. when the company doesnt give a damn as long as im not going for any meetings.

look im turning 21 this year. i believe that's old enough.


away from the parent issue, work's been fine. cant go into detail, clauses and all that. but im getting used to the workload.

i miss being online. but for now its still okay. hanging out with good friends after work makes it justified.

though im tired, and really sick of all the shit im swimming in. its making me feel less and less again. but at least, it's during work. i dont have to feel anything.


there's so many things i want to say. but not now. not here.

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