Nov 13, 2006

a good friend

exams coming up.. dont really feel much like studying. laptop too much of a distraction. ive had a good day today, went down to suntec after so long. its been a long time since i could "relax".

xiuzhi and i had a pretty entertaining crapping session after we both figured studying was not working for us. so i vented my thoughts out on her, and she more or less agreed with me on certain points. im beginning to feel that xiuzhi and i have more in common than i ever thought... which included methods of thinking and other stuff.

its times like this that i really appreciate her being around... guess it goes with the territory of longest friends among the group. 2nd day of school ~ xD

thanks for being a good friend
my very first poly friend who stuck with me to the end
Takahashi Hinoki

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