Sep 3, 2006

status: revived

after taking a nice nature skate around my house and thinking through stuff, i began to realise what a silly post the last one is. i mean, sure my dad said that if i could live without him, then i could. fineee.. singapore law doesn't allow that though. anyway...

i took a short but quick blade around the house, watching the moon and misty clouds, while pondering to myself many many questions. after playing catch with the wind and watching stars play hide and seek, i found myself calm and at peace with the world again. quite amazing how mother nature can do that to me. ^^ i guess its a good thing: because ive found my stress relief.

like kaifon said "no place like a 4th floor home with no lift"... i guess you can say that's KINDA true.

anyway, i spent the day with sandy, the morning anyway. we ate sushi and drank aloe vera before she went off to meet trees. so then i went home. then THAT happened. haiii. oh well. anyway i feel a lot better after a cold shower and now i feel really silly about the last msg. xD ignore that if you read this, okay?

feels like life has started anew
nature's gift, i guess
Takahashi Hinoki

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