Sep 25, 2006

first day of school

today school started. its still usual.. except with the difference of janice's absence. its kinda different, but still its school.

oddly enough, school was more boring than its ever been. ive already skipped one class. im going to keep track on it, to make sure that my LOA and what-nots are not going to waste. =)

nothing exceptional happened during the school days, except for the exception of "miami MICE" as xiuzhi would have put it, which janice then further changed to "my yummy mice".

today i felt i was being slightly unreasonable for certain reasons, and i dont even know why i was. im sorryyy. i really am.

i still find it hard to believe that mrs lim found out about it so soon.. but then again it was bound to happen. janice says its a good thing: i dont know why.. one day i shall get her to explain it to me. =)

gomenasai.. honto ni.
because i cant let you go.
Takahashi Hinoki

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