Jul 19, 2006

weird mp3 player...

i have the weirdest mp3 player ever. its a headphone problem... but instead of having a sound vs no sound effect, i have a difference of whether the lead singer is there or not. sometimes, its like all i can hear is the "echo" of the background singers, with the background music. but if all goes well i can hear everything. penguinny says its cool, but it does get irritating after a while.

today all i did was take some test. got a 26/40 for open book. hahahahhaa... well i think its good. its a 20 min test. :) heee~!!

also, for the NYAA that took place today, sadly, only 2 people turned up, and out of 2, only one was a stranger. its like really sad... but poor angel had to do the briefing anyway. sze asked me to sign it, but im not sure whether i want to... quite a lot of committment and such...

sometimes i feel that im alone in the world
but whenever that happens, im reminded of my friends.
Takahashi Hinoki

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