Jul 16, 2006

rest time

thank goodness DMA is over. i finally have time to sleep... =) yeah im glad that Mr James liked the design... not really much effort on my part. i had to get xiuzhi and shawn to draw it like 5 or 6 times... and then Janice's printer was crappy half the time... but glad she let us use it as and when we needed. better crappy than ntn!!! hahha kidding. i dont have a printer.... so im not going to complain.

anyways... now that DMA is partly over... i have to worry about OM... gah. why all the projects clump together. =X oh well.... class conflicts adding to a lot of problems. =( dont really like it but what the heck. if that's what other people choose to do with their lives i got nothing else to says.

dreams dont really exist
if they did then i wouldnt be living in hell now
Takahashi Hinoki

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