Apr 29, 2008

a new principal seems to be making a lot of difference in SP. the biggest interest point is the DMC no longer belongs to SB, but to a school christianed CASS, which i can only phantom it means something like communication and smething school. seems like mr harry tan is trying to follow NP's steps and make it SP's as well.

sadly, i quite liked being a part of SB... now hearing CASS is kinda foriegn to me, so i'm glad that at least i've graduated and dont have to go through life in CASS. haha.

CCA drive seems to be going fine for the guys. can't help noticing that aloy seems to be under a lot of stress, as though he cant manage it. but i have no doubts that he'll be fine. it just takes time getting used to. がんばって ね、アロイ くん! できる です!

Been keeping in contact with the guys from ANCT... miss them loads actually after it all...

I miss yuka more, but she's not replying my emails. i think she's started work that's why...

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