Mar 19, 2007

japanese arrive to Singapore!

my sister came to me to ask for advice about poly or jc... she's taking her Os in a year's time.

The japanese have finally arrived and they are filled with guys. (i ddnt say good looking). on the bright side, i got to catch up with MILE, Miyazaki 06 and Hokkaido 06. we thrashed a lot of rubbish out today, and had a lot of fun, even though none of us spoke very perfect japanese (except sze and maybe bernice) . took a hard time trying to get the SPSU participants to mingle.. they're not as enthusiastic as they seem during open houses. hmm.. taking this event to train their juniors? 25 year CELEBRATION ne!!!!

at last im free of trouble. one more day to go and i can rest for a while.. going to school every day has been hard on my body and my legs... especially my legs. x( on the bright side, I BOUGHT A SHIRT! hahaha. its only $7. and its niceeee. =p hehe.

p.s. sze talked a lot about guy privates today... =P got me and bernice confused a few times, and kf staring quite a few times too.

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