Feb 19, 2007

my 2nd evening

today i went to spend my day with my grandfather. he looks much better now that he's home. ^^ he looks healthier and more willing to walk around. the question remains whether he wants to go back to st luke's in 2 days time..

anyway.. i spent the day entertaining my cousins... dominic and daphne.. they came back from china not too long ago. though they are a little stuck up and spoilt, they are cute nonetheless, and fun-loving too!

my dearest youngest cousins on my father's side. dominic and daphne. and the red sleeve belongs to dean, another of the youngest cousins on my dad's side. x)

then we came to this italian restaurant... we had a very hard time finding this restaurant, but its at far east square near chinatown i think... sells quite good food (sandwiches and pasta) for an affordable price! not that im advertising...

me and my sister.. =)

my mom and my dad... it was my mom's idea to come here. thank goodness its open.. cos nothing else was. ^^

look at the interesting knife! its placed and made in a funny manner... somewhat like one of the forks i took accidentally from FC6 in school xD

other lucky ppl that was happy that this place was open. but what i meant to show was the ambience of this place. xD

hehe. this is the seafood salad. more seafood than salad xD

my sister's spagetti that my dad called "meepok". its now known to my sis as the "most delicious meepok ever"

hehe! my lunch came!!! HIP HIP HURRAY!!!

its called "parnilini salmone" or something like that... heheh. dont really remember the exact name xD but its NICEEE! reminds me of the wrap that ive been eating with xiu so often. xD

then kai came over, then i went east coast to get dinner, then came home! =D hehehe. eventful day.

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