Sep 8, 2006

interesting quizzy

i finally did this SB quiz today. this was my result. bolded are those that i think are accurate.

You live life through communication and expression, both in actions and spoken words. Being perceptive, you are adept at understanding people’s motivations and fears. This allows you to bring out the best in an individual and facilitate the development of his/her potential. You rate integrity and sincerity highly in your relationships. Being imaginative and inventive (i am???), you are unafraid to discover possibilities and undergo new experiences. But these must be consistent with your beliefs to contribute to the betterment of mankind. You hold firm beliefs and are courageous in expressing yourself with a personal touch. You are talented in communicating your views and are skilled in persuading and influencing even those who hold different views. You desire to be appreciated (very true)and also freely express your appreciation of others. Having good capabilities, organizational skills and the ability to make long-term plans, you make motivational leaders and trustworthy followers. (not really hahaha)

Potential Strengths
Can get things organised
Ability to develop human resources
Skilled at building consensus
People skills
& enthusiasm

Popular Occupations
Sales trainer
Travel agent
Sales manager
Human resource development trainer
Dietician/ nutritionist
Minister/ priests (riiiight)
Teachers (heath/art/drama/English)
Actors and entertainers
Writers and artists

hm... relatively true i think. what u guys think?

some times i notice i dont recognise myself
its like a different person i see in the mirror
Takahashi Hinoki

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