Sep 14, 2006

chalet chalet

hahaha. we had a great day at the chalet. pigging out and eating a lot of rubbish. for the pics, go to the link that's at the side, under.. special days. =) well.. lets see. we went to take a lot of pictures, because the scenery was beeeautttiiifuuulll. then we barbequed... played on the swings and all. i loved that day.

unfortunately, the next day i had to go to school for LTC training.. in the end sat there for 4 hours listening to NO apologies workshop. utterly useless if you ask me. =( but the rest was more or less ok. even though now im really confused xD

then i went back, ate some maggie mee, and went cycling. it doesnt look interesting cos im not putting the pictures here: its too many to put.

just got back slightly after 1.. had a short conversation with kaifon, before deciding that im gonna took my own dinner. yes im cooking xD amazing ne?

one very tiring day
ltc, one last thing to go
Takahashi Hinoki

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